Okay so I am officially beginning this blog because I want to focus on my three main obsessions, Travel, minimalist possessions, and including my family. I got married this year and I am super excited to start having children with my husband and begin traveling as a family and blogging about that. Especially since he wants three, and I grew up as an only child! lol. I've been able to find a few blogs with information about that but I think that there's not a huge wealth of information available so I'd like to contribute. I don't necessarily think that anyone will want to use my blog but I want to format it so that it will be available if anyone does.
The main thing that has held me back til now is that I do a lot more theoretical traveling than actual, but recently I've realized that's just because I love planning trips. In reality, I actually travel quite a bit. I go someplace new a few times a year, and I travel very minimally every single time, and I travel by many different methods and with different intentions. I think if I can blog about traveling minimally for different intents and work out sort of an all-encompassing minimalist item list with a plug-and-play for different needs (summer vs winter travel, car camping vs backpacking, hotel vs hostel vs staying with family, traveling alone vs with an adult vs with children, travelling for fun vs needing to conduct business) then that would be a good purpose for this blog. I want to organize the knowledge I have from my own personal experiences and I want to prioritize my findings from other bloggers and see what recommendations are worth the hype versus which are just sponsored. I like to be organized so that I can pack and unpack quickly for any trip and that I can have the perfect sized bag for the trip, so that I don't have extra space because I know I'll fill it with stuff I don't need.
This also goes for my home in general. I don't want to have extra space, really, because I know that people tend to fill space when they have it. I'd rather spend the time organizing and getting rid of things we don't need and spend the money traveling than spend the money on stuff to fill the space.
I want to include my children on the planning of family vacations. I want them to help us pick where we are going to go, or at least feel like they have a say, so that they can feel more empowered about the smaller space that we live in. I also have the theory that it helps kids learn to share with each other and tolerate a need for privacy. That's all my theories though, I'm not a parent yet. My husband wants all our kids to have their own rooms. I'm not really opposed to it, I'm just thinking about the size implications on the price of the home. I'm also cool with staying in an apartment for quite a while. I just want to make sure we always have the best tools for the job.
So in essence, this blog is the start of my married life, the organization of my obsession for traveling and my aversion to having too much stuff, compromising now with settling down with a family and making sure life is well taken care of. If anyone else finds information they need here, great. :)
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