Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Minimalist Packing: Long Autumn Weekend in Dallas TX

So while I was living in Florida I pretty much purged my life of most of the things I owned. I got a job, and got an apartment first thing. Some may have considered it prematurely, considering my lack of car... or internet... or other such luxuries, but I made it work. I became very married to my backpack, hence the name of my blog. Typically, regardless of the length of trip or the destination, if it didnt fit in my backpack, it just didn't come with me. I got this backpack as a souvenir from Disney World, it was not a large backpack.

So, it was my only luggage visiting my friend in New York in October and it was my only luggage visiting my family in Dallas in November. I am by no means anyone's definition of a fashionista, in fact, its amazing that I managed to attract anyone, but I did manage to stay clean and dry and in clothes that I love. So here's what I had:

In my backpack, one pair of shorts, three comfortable t-shirts, one dress, underwear, socks, and flip flops.
Toiletries consisted of shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, and razor. Also included no matter where i am going, ponytail holders, tweezers, nail file and/or nail clippers, a bobby pin, and a safety pin or two.
I also made sure the backpack had room for my book and my water bottle, but i wore my headphones around my neck on my travel days.
I carry that very small purse simply for my phone, my wallet, and my powerbank and/or phone charger.

That's it! Thats all I bring. I never carry much with me anywhere, I buy food wherever I am (I used to live super close to a small airport and EVERYTHING had a connecting flight in Atlanta, so I became very accustomed to getting Popeyes in terminal B) and I just enjoy where I'm going when I get there. I'm no professional blogger or anything, so I just take pictures with my cell phone for now.  Maybe I'll upgrade if I start getting feedback.

Here's all packed up and my airplane outfit:

I also had a denim jacket, not pictured. I think I honestly ended up wearing those boots the whole time, I didn't even need the flip flops I brought! Figures, even an ultralight packer like me can manage to waste space. Was a great trip though! Took tons of pictures catching up with people I hadn't seen in over a year. Those are some of my favorites.

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